
Instagram Carousel Ads Specs

Introduction To Instagram Carousel Ads Specs:

Instagram carousel ads are a popular and effective way for businesses to showcase their products or services to a targeted audience. These ads allow users to swipe through multiple images or videos within a single ad, creating a more interactive and engaging experience.

Instagram Carousel Ads Specs
Instagram Carousel Ads Specs

However, it is important to adhere to the specific specs set by Instagram in order to create effective carousel ads. Properly sizing images and videos, using clear and concise text and captions, and utilizing advanced targeting options can all play a role in the success of a carousel ad campaign. By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure their ads are seen by the right audience and are more likely to lead to conversions.

Instagram Carousel Ads Image Specs
Instagram Carousel Ads Image Specs

Instagram Carousel Ads Image Specs:

When creating an Instagram carousel ad, it is important to follow the recommended image specs in order to ensure the best quality and appearance for your ad. The recommended size for carousel images is 1080 x 1080 pixels. This size will ensure that the images are high-quality and will display properly on users' screens. It is also important to use the correct file type - either JPEG or PNG - and to make sure the file size does not exceed 30MB. By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that their carousel ad images are professional and visually appealing, which can increase the chances of success for their campaign.

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Instagram Carousel Ads Video Specs
Instagram Carousel Ads Video Specs

Instagram Carousel Ads Video Specs:

In addition to images, businesses can also use videos in their Instagram carousel ads. It is important to follow the specific video specs in order to ensure the best quality and appearance for your ad.

The recommended size for carousel videos is 1080 x 1080 pixels, the same as for images. The accepted file types for videos are MP4 or MOV, and the maximum length is 60 seconds. It is also important to make sure the file size does not exceed 4GB.

By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that their carousel ad videos are professional and visually appealing, which can increase the chances of success for their campaign. Using videos in carousel ads can also add an extra level of engagement and interactivity for users.

Carousel Layout Options
Carousel Layout Options

Carousel Layout Options:

Instagram carousel ads offer a variety of layout options for businesses to choose from. These options allow businesses to showcase their products or services in the way that best fits their brand and campaign goals.

One layout option is a single image or video. This option is simple and straightforward, and can be effective for highlighting a specific product or service.

Another option is to use multiple images or videos with a horizontal swipe feature. This allows users to swipe through multiple images or videos within the same ad, providing more information or a more comprehensive view of the products or services being advertised.

A third layout option is to use multiple images or videos with a vertical scroll feature. This allows users to scroll down through the images or videos, similar to how they would scroll through their feed. This layout option can be especially useful for showcasing a range of products or services in a cohesive way.

By choosing the layout option that best fits their campaign goals, businesses can create effective and engaging carousel ads on Instagram.

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Instagram Carousel Ads Text And Caption Specs
Instagram Carousel Ads Text And Caption Specs

Instagram Carousel Ads Text And Caption Specs:

In addition to visual elements, Instagram carousel ads also allow for the use of text and captions to further explain or promote products or services. It is important to follow the specific text and caption specs in order to ensure that all necessary information can be conveyed in a clear and concise manner.

The maximum text allowed in an Instagram carousel ad is 125 characters. This includes any text overlaid on images or videos, as well as any text in the ad itself. It is important to use this text wisely, as it should provide the necessary information in a brief and impactful way.

The maximum caption for an Instagram carousel ad is 2,200 characters. This space can be used to provide a more detailed description of the products or services being advertised, or to share a story or message related to the brand.

By following the text and caption specs, businesses can effectively communicate their message to their audience in their carousel ads.

Instagram Carousel Ads Link Specs
Instagram Carousel Ads Link Specs

Instagram Carousel Ads Link Specs:

Instagram carousel ads allow businesses to include a link for users to click on and learn more about their products or services. It is important to follow the specific link specs in order to ensure that users can easily access the desired information.

The maximum number of characters allowed in the link description is 30. This space can be used to provide a brief summary of what users will find when they click on the link.

Instagram supports several types of links in carousel ads, including website URLs, Instagram profile links, and product links. Website URLs allow users to visit the business's website, Instagram profile links allow users to view the business's profile on the platform, and product links allow users to view and purchase products directly on Instagram.

By following the link specs and choosing the appropriate link type, businesses can make it easy for users to learn more about their products or services and take the desired action.

Hashtag And Tag Specs
Hashtag And Tag Specs

Hashtag And Tag Specs:

In addition to visuals, text, and links, Instagram carousel ads also allow for the use of hashtags and tags to increase the reach and visibility of the ad. It is important to follow the specific hashtag and tag specs in order to make the most of this feature.

The maximum number of hashtags allowed in an Instagram carousel ad is 30. This allows businesses to reach a wider audience by using relevant and popular hashtags.

The maximum number of tags allowed in an Instagram carousel ad is 20. This allows businesses to tag other users or brands in their ad, which can help increase the visibility of the ad and potentially lead to more engagement.

By following the hashtag and tag specs and using relevant and popular hashtags and tags, businesses can increase the reach and visibility of their carousel ads on Instagram.

Advance Targeting Options
Advance Targeting Options

Advance Targeting Options:

Instagram offers advanced targeting options for businesses to use in their carousel ad campaigns. These options allow businesses to specify the specific audience they want to reach with their ad, increasing the chances of success for their campaign.

Demographic targeting allows businesses to specify the age, gender, and location of the audience they want to reach.

Interest targeting allows businesses to target users based on their interests and hobbies, as indicated by their Instagram activity.

Behavior targeting allows businesses to target users based on their past behavior, such as making purchases or visiting websites.

Placement targeting allows businesses to specify where they want their ad to be displayed, such as in the feed or in Stories.

By using these advanced targeting options, businesses can ensure that their carousel ads are seen by the right audience and are more likely to lead to conversions.

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Best Practices For Creating Instagram Carousel Ads
Best Practices For Creating Instagram Carousel Ads

Best Practices For Creating Instagram Carousel Ads:

In order to create successful Instagram carousel ads, there are several best practices to follow.

One important practice is to use high-quality images and videos. This means following the recommended specs for size, file type, and file size, as well as using visually appealing and professional-looking content.

Another best practice is to keep the carousel layout visually cohesive. This means choosing a layout that fits the campaign goals and using images and videos that complement each other and tell a cohesive story.

Using clear and concise text and captions is also important. This means following the recommended specs for text and caption length, and using language that is easy to understand and gets the message across effectively.

Finally, utilizing advanced targeting options can help businesses reach the right audience for their ad. By specifying the age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors of the desired audience, businesses can increase the chances of success for their carousel ad campaign.

By following these best practices, businesses can create effective and engaging Instagram carousel ads that lead to conversions.

Instagram Carousel Ads Specs Conclusion
Instagram Carousel Ads Specs


In conclusion, it is important for businesses to adhere to the specific specs set by Instagram when creating carousel ads. Properly sizing images and videos, using clear and concise text and captions, and utilizing advanced targeting options are all crucial for creating successful carousel ad campaigns.

By following these guidelines and best practices, businesses can increase the chances of success for their carousel ads on Instagram. By reaching the right audience and effectively promoting their products or services, businesses can see a positive return on investment from their carousel ad campaigns.

In summary, adhering to Instagram carousel ad specs and following best practices is key for creating successful carousel ads on the platform.

How many pictures are in a Instagram carousel ad?

Instagram carousel ads allow businesses to feature up to 10 images or videos in a single ad. The optimal number of images can vary depending on the specific goals and content of the ad, but using at least 3 images is generally recommended for a more comprehensive showcase of your products or services. Using more than 5 images can risk overwhelming the user and potentially decreasing the effectiveness of the ad.

How do you make beautiful carousels on Instagram?

To make beautiful carousels on Instagram, you can follow these best practices:
  • Use high-quality, high-resolution images or videos
  • Experiment with different compositions and layouts
  • Consider using Instagram's built-in editing tools to enhance the quality of your images or videos
  • Choose a consistent theme or style for all the images in the carousel
  • Choose images that tell a story or message you want to convey

How do I create a carousel ad on Instagram?

To create a carousel ad on Instagram, you will need to use Facebook Ads Manager. Here is a step-by-step guide:
  1. Go to Facebook Ads Manager and click on the "Create" button.
  2. Select "Instagram" as the placement for your ad.
  3. Choose the "Carousel" ad format.
  4. Upload the images or videos you want to feature in your carousel Instagram ad. You can add up to 10 images or videos.
  5. Customize your ad by adding a headline, description, and call to action. You can also choose to add links to your website or specific products.
  6. Select your target audience, budget, and ad schedule.
  7. Review your ad and submit it for review.

Can you do a carousel ad on Instagram?

Yes, Instagram allows businesses to create carousel ads as a part of their sponsored content offerings. Carousel Instagram ads appear in a swipeable format on a user's Instagram feed, allowing them to scroll through the different images or videos by swiping left or right.

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