
Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

 Who is Sultan Melikshah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

 Melikshah was born on 9 Cemaziyelevvel 447 (6 August 1055). When he was younger, his father Alparslan paid special attention to him and took his son with him when he went on the Georgia expedition. Melikşah stayed at the headquarters with the Vizier Nizamülmülk and deputized for his father (456/1064). Later, as a result of a siege in which Melikşah himself participated, a castle protected by the Byzantine forces was captured ( Ahbârü'd- Devleti's-Seljukiyye , p. 24).

Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

Sultan Melikshah Basic information:

  • His father : AlpArslan
  • His Son : Berkyaruk, Muhammad Tapar, Sencer
  • His Brother : Tutus
  • Wife : Terken Hatun
  • His Work: Regulations & Jalali Calendar
  • His Enemy : Hasan Sabah

Sultan Alparslan declared Melikşah as crown prince in a ceremony he held in Radgan in 458 (1066) when he was returning from the city of Cend, where he went to visit the grave of his grandfather Seljuk ( Ibn al-Esir, al-Kamil , X, 50). Alparslan showed that he recognized him as the future sultan by taking his gashiye on his shoulder and walking in front of Melikşah on a horse, and he wanted a sermon to be read in his name as heir in all the lands of the country ( ibid ., ay). In accordance with the tradition that has been maintained in the Islamic world for a long time, the Abbasid Caliph Kāim-Biemrillah sent hil'ats with his vizier Amîdüddevle İbn Cehir and confirmed the heirship of Malikşah ( İbnü'l-Esîr, al-Kamil, X, 70-71; Bundari, p. 43-44). Sultan Alparslan bequeathed Melikşah to replace him if he was martyred before the Battle of Manzikert ( Ahbârü'd- Devleti's-Seljukiyye , p. 33). The fact that Melikşah was declared crown prince undoubtedly played an important role in addition to his personal merits, as well as the fact that his mother was a princess from the Karakhanid dynasty. It is known that he served in Hârizm, Fars, İsfahan and Rey during his reign and he had 15,000 cavalry at his disposal, ready for action at any time ( ibid ., ay).

Malik Shah Seljuk :

When Sultan Alparslan was wounded by Yusuf al-Harizmi during the Transoxiana expedition, in which Melikşah also participated, he made Nizamülmülk and his commanders swear that they would recognize Melikşah as sultan and obey (6 Rebîülevvel 465 / 20 November 1072). He also bequeathed Melikşah to give the lands under his father Çağrı Bey's administration to his son Ayaz, and Kirman and Fars to his brother Kavurd Bey; He wanted the members of the dynasty to rule in the regions where they were subject to Melikşah. The statesmen and commanders gathered after Alparslan's death declared Melikşah as sultan on 10 Rabîülevvel 465 (24 November 1072) ( ibid , p. 38; İbnü'l-Esîr, el-Kamil, X, 76; Bundari, p. 46). Melikşah ascended the Seljuk throne with the hil'ats sent by the Caliph Kāim-Biemrillah with his vizier Amîdüddevle İbn Cehîr, and left Nizamülmülk, who had important contributions in being both crown prince and sultan, as vizier. By distributing the tip and increasing the salaries of the soldiers, the culus won the love of them and the statesmen. After he buried his father's corpse in Merv, he came to Nîşâbur and sent an envoy to the Abbasid Caliph Kāim-Biemrillâh and asked for a sermon to be read on his behalf. Thereupon, on 8 Rajab 465 (20 March 1073), a sermon was read in the name of Sultan Melikşah in Baghdad. Melikşah sent news to all provinces and neighboring rulers and informed that his father had passed away and that he had ascended to the throne.

History Of Ayyubi And Seljuk Empire

The Karakhanids and Ghaznavids, who took advantage of Melikşah's ascension to the Seljuk throne at a young age, started to attack the lands under Seljuk rule, and some members of the dynasty rose up by claiming their rights on the Seljuk throne. Ruler of Western Karakhanid Şemsülmülk Nasr b. Ibrahim captured Tirmidhi and Belh and delivered a sermon on his behalf (465/1073). The Ghaznavids also took action to take back Khorasan, which they had lost to the Seljuks nearly thirty years ago. In Cemâziyelevvel 465 (January 1073), they plundered the city of Çiğilkent (Sakalkent) in Tohâristan under the rule of Melikşah's uncle, Emîrü'l-ümerâ Osman, and took Osman prisoner. On the other hand, Melikşah's uncle Kavurd Bey, who was the king of Kirman, rebelled, claiming that he was more worthy of the throne than Melikşah. Sultan Melikşah and Nizamülmülk immediately marched on him. On 4 Shaban 465 (April 15, 1073), Kavurd was defeated. Although Melikşah wanted to forgive his uncle, Nizamülmülk had him killed, following his warning that he might cause trouble in the future. Melikşah left Kirman and Uman to Kavurd's son. Due to his effort and success in suppressing the uprising, he added the city of Tus to his old iqta, as well as giving hil'a to Nizamülmülk. He left all state affairs to him; He also gave himself the title of atabeg (el-emîrü'l-valid) along with some nicknames (Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil , X, 80). The suppression of the Kavurd rebellion increased the reputation of Melikşah and consolidated his power. Upon Sultan Melikşah's request, the Caliph Kāim- Biemrillah sent to the sultan a banner confirming Malikşah's sovereignty and a banner that he tied with his own hand, in a ceremony held on 2 Safar 466 (7 October 1073 ). In addition, he was given nicknames and titles such as "Kasîmu emîri'l-mü'minîn, Yemînü emîri'l-mü'minîn, Muizzüddunyâ ve'd-dîn, Celâlüddevle ve'd-dîn".

Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

Detailed History Of Seljuk Sultan Melikshah:

Sultan Melikşah then went on the Transoxiana expedition (466/1073); After Belh and Herat, he headed for Tirmidhi. In Muharrem 467 (September 1074), Karakhanid Ruler Şemsülmülk Nasr b. He left Tirmidhi ( Ahbârü'd- Devleti's-Selcûkıyye , p. 42), which Abraham had taken over from his brother, to Emir Savtegin, to Şemsülmülk Nasr b. He moved to Samarkand to fight with Ibrahim. When the Seljuk forces approached Samarkand, Nasr left his capital and asked for forgiveness. The Sultan forgave him through Nizamülmülk and left him in his post ( İbnü'l-Esîr, al-Kamil , X, 92). He returned to Rey, giving Belh and Toharistan to his brother Tekiş. Then he transferred the center of the Great Seljuk State from Rey to Isfahan.

Melikşah sent Gümüştegin Bilge and Anuştegin Garceî against the Ghaznavids and removed them from the region (465/1073). Ghaznavid Sultan Ibrahim b. Mas'ud, fearing that Malikshah would organize an expedition to his own country upon approaching Tirmidhi, managed to dissuade him from this expedition by sending false letters to the sultan while he was staying in Isfizar, in the south of Herat, by sending him false letters on behalf of the Seljuk amirs. Then, he sent precious gifts to Melikşah's daughter Gevher Hatun (Mehdü'l-Irâk) to Mesud, his son Mesud, as well as releasing his uncle Osman (467/1074), who was taken prisoner during the looting of Çiğilkent. He fixed the relations ( Ahbârü'd- Devleti's-Seljukiyye , p. 40).

Caliph Muktadi-Biemrillah's vizier appeared before Sultan Malik-Shah on 27 Ramadan 467 (16 May 1075) and received allegiance from him on behalf of the new caliph, and presented to the sultan a memorandum stating that Muqtadi-Biemrillah had approved Malik-Shah's reign (Ibnu. 'l-Cevzi, VIII, 294; Bundari, p. 52).

Atsiz b. When Uvak al-Harizmi captured Damascus in 468 (1076), he delivered a sermon on behalf of Sultan Melikşah. Upon the failure of Atsız's Egypt expedition in 469 (1077) and the news that he was killed, Melikşah assigned the places to be captured in Syria and Palestine to his brother Tutuş (470/1077-78). Tutuş had him strangled in front of Damascus, where he followed Atsız's invitation, and dominated the city (471/1079). Thus, the State of Syria and Palestine Seljuks was established, subject to the Great Seljuks.

By order of Sultan Melikşah, Fahrüddevle b. Cehir commissioned his son Zaîmüddevle (Zaîmü'r-rüesâ) to besiege Amid, and he himself marched on Mayyâfârikīn. Âmid was captured on 3 Safar 478 (31 May 1085), and Meyyâfârikīn on 6 Cemâziyelevvel 478 (30 August 1085). Thus, the Mardin dynasty was ended and the cities and castles under their rule such as Mardin, Hasankeyf and Cizre passed into the hands of the Seljuks. Mosul, which was under the rule of the Ukaylis, was also captured by the Seljuk forces on 30 Rajab 478 (21 November 1085), but the administration of the city was left to him after Şerefüddevle Muslim's begging for forgiveness ( İbnü'l-Esîr, al-Kamil, X, 136-137). One of the issues that preoccupied Sultan Melikşah was the rebellion of his brother Tekiş. When Tekiş rebelled in 473 (1080-81) and closed in Tirmidhi, the sultan suppressed the rebellion and forgave him. However, when Tekiş rebelled again in 477 (1084-85), he was caught and imprisoned with a shaft in his eyes.

When Melikşah came to the throne, the conquest operation in Anatolia was carried out by many Turkmen chiefs, especially Kutalmışoğulları, Emir Tutak and Artuk Bey. Artuk Bey, who crossed the Sakarya river and advanced to Izmit in this period, was surrounded by the Yeşilırmak and Kelkit basins; Mengücük Gazi Şebinkarahisar, Erzincan, Kemah and Divriği; Saltuk Bey Erzurum and Çoruh region; Danishmend Gazi was also active in Sivas, Amasya, Tokat and its surroundings and on the Black Sea coasts. Sultan Melikşah sent Artuk Bey to Hulvan (Luristan) in the Iran-Iraq border region and commissioned him to punish the Qarmatians in Ahsa and Bahrain. Artuk Bey successfully fulfilled this duty and delivered a sermon on behalf of Sultan Melikşah (469/1076-77).

Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

Who Was Malik Shah Seljuk :

After conquering the Birecik and Urfa regions for a while, Kutalmışoğlu Süleyman Şah took the opportunity of Melikşah's recall of Artuk Bey from Anatolia and hoped to establish a state in Anatolia with the support of Turkmen groups. He conquered Iznik by taking advantage of the throne struggles in the Byzantine Empire and founded the Anatolian Seljuk State (1075, 1078, 1080); He captured the whole Bithynia region, especially Izmit (1081). Melikşah, who was disturbed by the conflicts between Süleyman Şah and his brother Mansûr, sent Emir Porsuk to Anatolia. Suleyman Shah, who eliminated Mansur with the help of Porsuk, became the sole ruler of Anatolia when he received the reign of Sultan Melikşah. Suleyman Shah, After the conquest of Antakya (477/1084-85), when he died in the war with Tutuş due to the issue of domination over Aleppo (18 Safer 479 / 4 June 1086), Sultan Melikşah went from Isfahan to Aleppo in Cemâziyelevvel 479 (August 1086). took over the city. After a while, he took Urfa and Antakya.

Melikşah went to Baghdad on 4 Dhu al-Hijjah 479 (12 March 1087) and was welcomed by the state officials, especially the caliph's vizier. On 17 Muharram 480 (24 April 1087), the sultan, who came to the dar al-hilafah with a magnificent procession, was accepted by the caliph here. The caliph gave various gifts and hil'ats to Melikşah; he also surrounded him with two swords to show him that he was the ruler of the east and the west (Bündârî, pp. 81-82). Melikşah's daughter Mâh-Melek Hatun also married Caliph Muktedî-Biemrillâh at this time ( ibid , p. 72). Melikşah stayed in Baghdad until the middle of Safar (May 22, 1087) and moved to Isfahan from here.

Ebü'l-Kāsım, who was left as his deputy after the death of Süleyman Shah, continued his raids up to the Bosphorus shores (479/1086) and achieved success against Byzantium with the support of Porsuk sent by Sultan Melikşah. However, Melikşah, who was disturbed by Ebü'l-Kāsım's independent action, assigned Porsuk to take Iznik and eliminate Ebü'l-Qāsım, and when Porsuk was not successful, Emir Bozan was commissioned. Ebü'l-Kāsım, who wanted to rule in İznik under the rule of Melikşah, was killed by Emir Bozan in 485 (1092).

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Biography Of Seljuk Sultan Melikshah:

Sultan Melikşah went on a Caucasian expedition in 468 (1076). He took it from Fadlûn and appointed Savtegin as governor here. When Savtegin was defeated in his wars with the Georgians, Melikşah entered Georgia in 471 (1078-79) via Aras and plundered the Somkheth region. He left auxiliary forces to Savtegin and returned. However, after Savtegin was defeated by the Georgians, Emir sent Ahmed to Arran. Emir Ahmed Kars, who defeated the Georgian king, captured Erzurum, Oltu and some cities subject to Byzantium and added the region to the Seljuk lands (473/1080). The following year, the coastal region stretching as far as Şavşat, Adjara, Karthili, Ardanuç and Trabzon came under Seljuk rule (474/1081). Georgian King II. Giorgi went to Isfahan and declared his loyalty to Melikşah. At the end of 478 (February-March 1086), the Sultan organized another expedition to the Caucasus and subordinated the region to the Seljuks. Local rulers declared that they recognized Melikşah as overjoyed. Ganja region was directly connected to the center. Melikşah, the general governor of Azerbaijan Kutbüddin İsmâil b. He commissioned Alpsungur Yâkūtî with the administration of Arran and the Caucasus (483/1090).

Western Karakhanid ruler Ahmed b. Upon the complaints that Hızır Khan was persecuting the people, Sultan Melikşah, who was angry with the attacks of the Karakhanids on the Seljuk lands, went on the expedition to Transoxiana (480/1087). He first captured Bukhara and then Samarkand (Cemâziyelevvel 481 / August 1088). Thus, the Western Karakhanids were subject to the Great Seljuks. The sultan, who also took Balasagun and İsfîcab under his rule, advanced as far as Özkent. Kasgar Khan Buğra Kara Hakan Hasan (Harun) b. The Eastern Karakhanids were also attached to the Seljuks (482/1089-90) when Suleiman appeared before him and offered obedience. Upon the turmoil caused by Çiğiller in Samarkand, Sultan Melikşah went on an expedition to Transoxiana at the end of this year and captured Samarkand for the second time. On 20 Ramadan 484 (5 November 1091), he went to Baghdad for the second time. The construction of the Sultan Mosque was started and the Tugrul Bey Bazaar was repaired. While returning to Isfahan in Safar 485 (March 1092), Melikşah gathered his commanders and had a new operation plan prepared. Tutuş assigned Aksungur and Bozan to the control of Syria and Egypt under Fatimid domination, Sa'düddevle Gevherâyin and Emir Çubuk to the control of Hijaz and to the seizure of Yemen and Aden (İbnü'l-Kalânisi, p. 121) . In Mecca and Medina, the sermon was sometimes read in the name of the Abbasid caliph and Sultan Melikşah, and sometimes in the name of the Fatimids. In 468 (1076) the Abbasids and Sultan Melikşah were delivered in Mecca, and in 469 (1077) in Medina on behalf of the Fatimids (Ibn al-Cevzi, VIII, 298, 304). The successes of the Fatimids in Syria in the years 482-483 (1089-1090) required Malikşah to pay close attention to the Hejaz. Türşek, with the order of Gevherâyin, Çubuk and Yarımkuş confirmed the Seljuk dominance in Mecca and Medina and delivered sermons on behalf of the Caliph Muktedî-Biemrillâh and Melikşah. The Seljuk army under the command of Yarımkuş established Seljuk dominance in Yemen and Aden in 485 (1092).Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil , X, 203-204; Bundari, p. 69).

Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

Sultan Melikshah Vs Hasan Sabbah :

One of the most important events of the Sultan Melikşah period was Hasan Sabbah's occupation of Alamut and the establishment of a Nizari-Ismaili state (483/1090). Melikşah made it a state policy to fight the Bâtinîs, who occupied the Great Seljuk State for a long time after him. He commissioned Yoruntaş, the Emir of Rûdbar and Alamut region, to criticize Hasan Sabbah and his men violently. While Alamut Castle was about to be captured, Yoruntaş's sudden death (484/1091) did not yield any results from the siege. The Sultan then gave this task to Arslantaş and Koltaş. Arslantaş besieged Alamut, but had to withdraw when Abû Ali Erdistani, a native of Kazvin, came to his aid (Shaban 485 / September 1092). Then, Melikşah assigned Kızılsarığ to fight the Bâtinîs. However, due to the news of Melikşah's death, no result could be obtained from this expedition. In some works, the exchange of letters between Sultan Melikşah and Hasan Sabbah is mentioned.

 Accordingly, Melikşah accused Hasan Sabbah of inventing a new religion and deceiving some ignorant people, and stated that if he persisted in his mistake, he would raze their castle to the ground. Hasan Sabbah, on the other hand, replied that he was a Muslim, that the Abbasids had usurped the caliphate, that the real owner of the caliphate was the Fatimids, warned the sultan against the intrigues of Nizamülmülk and threatened the Seljuk State. With these letters, which are said to have been fabricated in later periods for propaganda purposes (Kafesoğlu, He accused Hasan Sabbah of inventing a new religion and deceiving some ignorant people, and stated that if he persisted in his mistake, he would destroy their castle. Hasan Sabbah, on the other hand, replied that he was a Muslim, that the Abbasids had usurped the caliphate, that the real owner of the caliphate was the Fatimids, warned the sultan against the intrigues of Nizamülmülk and threatened the Seljuk State.

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 With these letters, which are said to have been fabricated in later periods for propaganda purposes (Kafesoğlu, He accused Hasan Sabbah of inventing a new religion and deceiving some ignorant people, and stated that if he persisted in his mistake, he would destroy their castle. Hasan Sabbah, on the other hand, replied that he was a Muslim, that the Abbasids had usurped the caliphate, that the real owner of the caliphate was the Fatimids, warned the sultan against the intrigues of Nizamülmülk and threatened the Seljuk State. With these letters, which are said to have been fabricated in later periods for propaganda purposes (Kafesoğlu,Sultan Melikşah , p. 134-135) Nizâmülmülk's complaint to Melikşah and the sultan's reply to him was published by Nasrullāh-ı Felsefî with the name "Çehâr Nâme-i Târîḫî" (see bibliography) and translated into Arabic with the name "Erbaʿa resâʾil târîḫiyye" ( ed- Dirâsâtü'l-edebiyye , VII/3-4 [Beirut 1965], pp. 270-302).

On his way from Isfahan to Baghdad with Malikşah, Nizamülmülk was killed by an esoteric sapling (10 Ramadan 485 / 14 October 1092). There were some who blamed the sultan for the murder of the vizier because of the conflict between Nizamülmülk and Melikşah due to the provocations of his rivals and enemies, as well as Terken Hatun in his last days, but Melikşah went to the injured vizier and swore that he had nothing to do with the incident. After this event, the sultan continued on his way and went to Baghdad. According to rumors, Melikşah wanted the Caliph Muktedî-Biemrillâh to dismiss Müstazhir-Billah from the heirship and to declare his grandson Ebü'l-Fazl Ja'fer, from his daughter Mah-Melek, as heir, but Muqtadî-Biemrillâh did not agree to this. 

 The sultan, who went to Baghdad for the third time on 24 Ramadan 485 (28 October 1092), sent a message to the caliph and asked him to leave Baghdad immediately. The statesmen intervened and took a ten-day grace period. However, before the time allotted to the caliph was over, Sultan Melikşah fell ill due to a game he ate and caught a fever and died in Baghdad on 16 Shawwal 485 (November 19, 1092) (İbnü'l-Kalânisi, p. 121;Ahbarü'd- Devleti's-Seljuyye , p. 49; Ibn al-Athir, al-Kamil , X, 210; Bundari, p. 69; Ibn Khallikan, V, 288). As it is stated in the sources that Melikşah was poisoned by game meat, it is also rumored that he was killed by Caliph Muktedî-Biemrillâh, Terken Hatun or Nizamülmülk's men (Nizamiyye) (Kafesoğlu, Sultan Melikşah , pp. 208-210).

Who is Sultan Malik Shah in History | Biography Of Sultan Meliksah

Extra History Of Meliksah:

Terken Hatun hid the death of Melikşah in order to prevent the crown prince Berkyaruk from becoming a sultan and to place his young son Mahmud on the throne. For this reason, even the funeral prayer was not performed and he was buried secretly in Shuniziyya. Later, he was taken to Isfahan and buried in the graveyard of the madrasa built by the sultan for Shafi'i and Hanafis. Sultan Melikşah's eight sons Ahmed, Berkyaruk, Davud, Muhammed Tapar, Sencer, Mahmud, Tuğrul and Emir Humâr and the Ghaznavid heir Mes'ud b. He had three daughters, Gevher, who married Ibrahim, Mah-Melek, who married Caliph Muktedi-Biemrillah, and Seyyide, who married Caliph Müstazhir-Billah, and two more children whose names could not be determined. When Melikşah died, his sons Berkyaruk, Muhammed Tapar, Sencer and Mahmud were alive (Râvendî, I, 135; İbnü'l-Esîr, al-Kamil, X, 112, 122, 380 et al.; Reşidüddin Fazlullāh-ı Hemedânî, p. 54).

Sultan Melikşah rode deftly and wielded all kinds of weapons with great skill; Çevgan was also skilled at playing and was very fond of hunting. It is rumored that he was deeply saddened by the fact that he was hunted for pleasure, and that he determined the number of animals he hunted and distributed 10,000 dinars in charity as expiation. The two beacon towers (minâretü'l-kurûn) he had built on the Baghdad-Mecca road and in Transoxiana from the horns and nails of the animals he hunted are famous. He ruled over a wide area from Kashgar to the Bosphorus and the Aegean islands, from the Aral Sea and the Caucasus to Yemen and Aden, and delivered a sermon in his name. During his reign, peace and security were established in every part of the country. He also treated the Christian people well. At the request of the Armenian patriarch, he exempted churches, monasteries and clergy from taxation.Urfalı Mateos Vekayi-nâmesi , p. 146, 176). Melikşah, who was known by titles such as "Sultanü'l-âlem, es-sultanü'l-muazzam, es-sultanü'l-âdil", was a prudent, farsighted ruler who gave importance to consultation (Nizâmülmülk, p. 66). The Seljuk state organization took a perfect shape in his time with the efforts of Nizamülmülk. Scientific and cultural activities reached their peak during his reign. A mosque known as Câmiu's-Sultan in Baghdad, an observatory in Isfahan, bridges, ribat, imaret, bimaristan, fortress and castles in various places; He built Nizamiye madrasas with rich libraries in Isfahan, Basra, Nishabur, Herat, Merv, Belh, Mosul and Tabaristan. He surrounded Merv with walls. He had the solar calendar, called the Celali calendar, prepared. al-Mesâʾilü'l-Malikşâhiyye fi'l-ḳavâʿidi'ş-şerʿiyyeThe fatwa journal named was probably written in the name of Sultan Melikşah (Muhammed b. Muhammed b. Abdullah el-Hüseynî, pp. 70-71).

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