
Anger Management | What is Anger Management

 Anger Management | What is Anger Management:

When it comes to anger, the first question asked is how to control anger. Before how to control anger, it is useful to determine what anger is, why we are angry, and whether anger is a problem. Otherwise, we would not have considered the benefits of this feeling.

Anger Management | What is Anger Management

What is anger and why do we get angry?

Anger is a natural and universal emotion that a person experiences in the face of a certain attack, injustice, criticism or frustration. Anger is a functional response as it directs the person to remove the stimuli that cause them discomfort. When faced with a challenge, physical and psychological resources are activated thanks to the feeling of anger, and necessary actions are taken for protective measures thanks to anger.

Is getting angry a problem?

Feeling anger is not a problem. On the contrary, what is healthy is to feel the emotion of anger and to express it appropriately. It's not anger that creates the problem, it's the inability to regulate anger. That is, if anger arises, is expressed, and is experienced without appropriate controls, it creates a problem. The person who expresses his anger uncontrollably may damage his relations with the environment and may experience guilt and regret afterwards.

Is it healthy to try to suppress anger?

Suppressing anger is just as unhealthy as expressing it in a destructive way. Suppressing anger can lead to feelings of guilt and depressive mood, as it means that the person directs anger inside. When he suppresses his anger, the person cannot meet the need that he will get when his anger is expressed in a healthy way. At the same time, trying to suppress one's anger frequently can lead to an uncontrolled expression of anger.

Anger Management | What is Anger Management

What is anger management?

Anger control is gaining the ability to express anger appropriately and appropriately. The aim is not to ensure that the individual does not get angry at all and to destroy the anger. The main purpose in anger control; away from aggression, non-violence, to ensure that the person expresses his or her feelings in a way that does not harm themselves and those around them.

How to work in psychotherapy with the problem of anger?

While working with the anger problem in psychotherapy, it is aimed to find out what triggers the anger of the person, that is, to understand the situations that cause anger and to recognize the anger. Then, it is aimed to help the correct expression of this anger feeling. When anger is expressed appropriately, it is prevented that anger becomes uncontrollable and has destructive consequences.

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