
Personality Development in Children | Personality Development Of Kids

 Personality Development in Children | Personality Development Of Kids:

Personality is the set of characteristics unique to the individual that distinguishes individuals from others.

What is Personality?

Personality development is the formation of personality traits that the individual displays consistently in his social and physical environment. Personality is also difficult to define because it includes a combination of individuals' beliefs, attitudes, values, motives, temperamental characteristics, and behavior patterns. Although individuals use different concepts to describe themselves, personality has a "distinctive" feature. Thus, the individual's unique characteristics develop.

Another feature that can be said for the concept of personality is; It is consistent, long-lasting, that is, it has very stable characteristics. That is, the personality has the "consistency" feature.

Considering its use in daily language, it is seen that personality is used synonymously with temperament and character. In fact, character and temperament are two different concepts within the personality.

Character : It means the forms of behaviour that the individual acquires from birth in accordance with the system of values ​​in social life.

Temperament : Individual's innate, anatomical, genetic, etc. describes the part of the biological characteristics that determines the personality.

At What Age Does Personality Start to Develop?

Personality development, which starts from birth, continues until the end of adolescence. It can be said that the personality reaches a certain maturity with the individual's gaining consistency and integrity in the dimensions of emotion, thought and behavior.

What are the Factors that Determine Personality?

Some aspects of personality development are affected by heredity and some aspects are affected by the environment. While genetic factors are at the forefront of determining the potential of the child, environmental factors also reveal how this potential will be used. In addition to these, other factors such as intelligence and special abilities, self, defense mechanisms also contribute to the formation of personality.

Personality Development in Children | Personality Development Of Kids

How do families affect children's character?

Parents' child-rearing attitudes have an important place on the personality development of children. People who have positive and supportive communication with their parents can develop effective and positive relationships in other social environments.

Various factors such as the personality traits of the parents, the birth order of the children, the nutrition and learning opportunities provided to the child, the size of the family, and the relations between the spouses in the family are determinative in the formation of the personality.

What Should Families Pay Attention to?

Parents should set some behavioral rules, taking into account the needs of children as well as family and society. Great attention should be paid to the penalties applied when children do not follow these rules. The reason for this punishment should be explained to the child and physical force is not used. Parents should encourage their children to make decisions in an age-appropriate way so that they can behave independently and socially. Children of democratic parents are more likely to be independent, self-confident, assertive, and creative.

How Effective Are Digital Environments in Personality Development?

The digital environment is rapidly spreading the interactions of the individual. In order to take part in this cycle, the individual will begin to form his identity after a certain period of time according to the rules determined by digital environments, according to the dominant or popular situations there. The individual will differ according to the environment he is in.

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