
Time to Relax: 6 Ways to Relieve Stress

 Time to Relax: 6 Ways to Relieve Stress:

Everyone experiences stress at some point in their life for reasons such as uncertainty about the future. Prolonged stress can also cause health problems such as lack of motivation, fatigue, headaches and muscle tension. Although it is not always possible to avoid stressful situations, this process can be managed by adopting some habits. You can take a step towards a more peaceful life by getting information about methods of coping with stress.

Time to Relax: 6 Ways to Relieve Stress
Time to Relax: 6 Ways to Relieve Stress

Take a Deep Breath

While it may sound like cliché advice, deep breathing is one of the best ways to manage stress. You can get rid of situations such as accelerated heartbeat and increased blood pressure due to increased stress levels by taking deep breaths. By doing breathing exercises regularly, you can achieve focus during stress and reduce your anxiety. 

To practice breathing, lie down or sit in a comfortable position. Put one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe in through your nose and pay attention to the movement of only your abdominal area. Exhale slowly through your mouth. You can do this exercise 5-10 times. 

Take Care of Your Antioxidant Intake

Antioxidants, which fight against oxidative stress that causes damage to cells, help the brain to function regularly. This allows the brain to better cope with stress. In addition, antioxidants; It can reduce the risk of anxiety, which is experienced by situations such as anxiety, tension and anxiety. 

For an antioxidant-rich diet, you can make the Mediterranean diet an integral part of your life. Mediterranean diet focuses on the consumption of healthy fats such as olive oil and fruits and vegetables. Olive oil is a very rich food in terms of antioxidants due to the vitamin E and polyphenols it contains. 

Fruits and vegetables with antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins A, C and E are also a part of the Mediterranean nutrition pyramid. For information on this type of nutrition that will help you cope with stress, you can read our article titled ¨ The Secret of Healthy Eating, Mediterranean Diet ¨ .

Do Sports Regularly

Exercising daily can help lower cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. Adequate physical activity also ensures that the sleep routine, which can be disrupted due to stress, is regulated. It also promotes the secretion of endorphins, which is called the happiness hormone. You can take a walk during the day or incorporate a practice such as yoga into your life that will help you relax.

Listen to Soothing Music

A light tempo music; It helps slow your heartbeat, lower blood pressure and reduce your stress. You can prepare a music list consisting of nature sounds such as rain, wind and bird and listen to it during your breathing exercises or while walking. To feel more energetic, you can choose music with more upbeat instruments. You can listen to our playlist called  Dalnda Hayat Var to add Mediterranean rhythms to your day .

Maintain Sleep Patterns

Stress due to insomnia is as common as not being able to sleep due to stress. In order to get enough sleep and start the day stress-free, you can reduce your caffeine consumption and avoid things that will tire your mind before going to bed. 

For a comfortable and healthy sleep, you can take care that the temperature of your room is between 19-22 degrees. You can turn your bedroom into a relaxing, dim and spacious place with few furniture. To facilitate the transition to sleep, you can take a warm shower before going to bed and stay away from digital screens.

Listen to Your Body Signs

You know that when you experience emotions such as anger or happiness, situations such as laughing, frowning or crying occur. However, you may not be used to observing the signs that you are stressed as clearly as your moods. Not being aware of stress prevents you from dealing with it before it becomes chronic.

During stress, you can observe your body's reactions, such as tensing muscles or holding your breath. Everyone's response to stress can be different. By becoming aware of the signals your body gives, you can develop your own ways to get rid of stress. For example, if you notice that you are frozen in time of anxiety, then you can try to get rid of stress by increasing physical activity. If you're holding your breath, you can practice a meditation to help relax your stressed shoulders and face.

Ways of coping with stress, such as eating healthy, sleeping regularly and developing self-awareness, are practices that you can apply not only in the moment of anxiety, but throughout your life. You can lead a more peaceful and healthy life by making ways of getting rid of stress a part of your daily routine.

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